2018-05-22 08:36:25 来源: 评论:0 点击:
According to Xinhua news agency, the world's first industry, IPv6 root server "radio root + Hua Yuan" 21, was launched in the "2018 World next generation Internet Summit" held in Hangzhou. The IPv6 root server system is oriented to the radio and television network, which is jointly built by the next-generation Internet National Engineering Center and the Chinese group. It will further promote the development of the radio and television industry and upgrade the industry.
Due to the depletion of the internet protocol address IPv4 address pool, IPv6 is also accelerating the deployment of the world. However, the actual application level of IPv6 in China is very low. To this end, our government proposed to build the world's largest IPv6 commercial application network in 5 to 10 years.
IPv6, the English abbreviation for the sixth edition of the internet protocol, is a next-generation Internet core protocol designed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), an agency for Internet international standards, to replace the fourth version of the current Internet Protocol (IPv4). The IPv4 protocol has been used for 40 years. The address pool is completely exhausted and can not meet the development needs. The number of IP addresses in the IPv6 theory can reach 128 times 2, and can almost "make a web site for every grain of sand in the world".