2014-06-26 10:03:07 来源: 评论:0 点击:
1.信用证关系人Parties to a letter of Credit(1) The Applicant/Principal/Accountee/Accreditor/Opener for the Credit 开证申请人/开证人,即出口商(2) Beneficiary 受益人,即...
1.信用证关系人Parties to a letter of Credit
(1) The Applicant/Principal/Accountee/Accreditor/Opener for the Credit 开证申请人/开证人,即出口商
(2) Beneficiary 受益人,即出口商
(3) Opening/Issuing/Establishing Bank 开证行
(4) Advising/Notifying Bank 通知行
(5) Negotiating/Honoring Bank 议付行
(6) Paying Bank, Drawee Bank 付款行
(7) Confirming Bank 保兑行
(8) Accepting Bank 承兑行
(9) Claiming Bank 索偿行
(10) Remitting Bank 寄单行
(11) Transferor 转让人
(12) Transferee 受让人
2. 信用证单据通常包括:
(1) Commercial Invoice 商业发票
(2) Bill of Lading 提单
(3) Insurance Policy 保险单
(4) Bill of Exchange 汇票
(5) Origin 原产地证
(6) Inspection Certificate 检验证
(1) Irrevocable L/C 不可撤销信用证
(2) Sight L/C 即期信用证
(3) Deferred Payment L/C 延期付款信用证
(4) Acceptance Credit 承兑信用证
(5) Confirmed L/C 保兑信用证
(6) Transferable L/C 可转让信用证
(7) Revolving L/C 循环信用证 Revolving
(8) Red Clause L/C 红条款信用证
(9) Reciprocal L/C 对开信用证
(10) Back-to-back L/C 背对背信用证
(11) Standby L/C 备用信用证
4. Establishment of Letter of Credit 信用证的开立(方式包括:信开和电开两种)
(1) Documentary Credit Application/Request to Open Documentary Credit 开证申请书
(2) Written undertaking 书面担保
(3) Acknowledgement 确认书
(4) Master L/C 主证
(5) Usance L/C 远期信用证
(6) SWIFT(Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication):环球银行同业金融电讯协会
5. Inspection of Letter of Credit信用证的审核
1) Background Information 来证背景
2) Form of Credit 信用证形式:(六种)
注:我国出口要求外来证是不可撤销,无追索权的信用证(Irrevocable, without recourse)
3) Validity, Negotiating Place and Limitation for Document Submission有效期、议付地点和交单期限
4) Shipment 装运条款
① Date 日期:
② Vessel 货船(九种)
③ Partial Shipment & Transshipment: 转运和分批装运
④ Loading Port and Port of Destination 装运港和目的港:根据价格条件加以审核。
⑤ Draft 汇票:
⑥ Sum and Currency 金额与货币:大小写一致:总金额与单价乘数量之积相等。
⑦ Insurance 保险:我们一般是中国人民保险公司承保。
⑧ Other Documents 来证所需的各种单据
⑨ Special Clause 特殊条款
6. Modification of Credit Certificate 改证
7. Collection 托收
(1) Parties to Collection 托收当事人
① The Principal/the drawer 委托人
② The principal Bank/Remitting Bank 托收行/寄单行
③ The Collecting Bank 代收行
④ The drawee/the Payer 受票人/付款人
(2) Types of Collection 托收的种类
a) Clean Collection 光票托收
b) Documentary Collection 跟单托收
① Documentary Collection 跟单托收分类
a) Documents Against Payment At Sight ——D/P At Sight 即期付款交单
b) Documents Against Payment After Sight ——D/P after Sight 远期付款交单
c) Documents Against Acceptance ——D/A 承兑交单
(3) Components of Collection Order 托收委托书的填制
a) Collection Order 托收委托书
b) Delayed Payment 延迟付款
c) Notary public 公证行